Configuring the Flash Arrows Components

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Configuring the Flash Arrows Components

After you have placed a FlashArrow Componenton your site, you can configure its settings in the Component Properties panel. The Style tab Different properties change the way the component can appear. It takes three seconds for these changes to be applied to the component, but you can also see the changed properties if you right-click the component, and then click Play. To modify the component's properties:

  1. In Page View, click the Flash component.
  2. Open the Properties panel, if it is not already open.

When the Flash component is selected, the Properties panel displays the Flash Component's properties. Use the Properties panel to modify the component's attributes, such as:

  • The arrow's color:Choose the color of the arrow.
  • Background color:Choose the color on which the arrow is placed.

If you want some other colors press on theMore Colors button and manage the Color Picker. You should make sure the initial background color is something other than the arrow color.

  • Rotation:Choose a rotation angle. You must set a rotation value between 0 and 360. The value you select depends on how much you want to incline the arrow.
  • Opacity: Choose the level of opacity for the component. The default is 1.00. The Opacity property enables you to specify a level of transparency for the form and its controls. When this property is set to a value less than 100 percent, the entire form, including borders, is made more transparent. Setting this property to a value of 0 percent makes the form completely invisible. The Opacity value must be between 0 percent and 100 percent.
  • Intro Effect:From the drop-down list, you have a choice of several effects for the arrow. These effects are for the moment when the arrow appears on the published page.
  • Effect times: Choose the number of times the effect applies to the arrow. This number must have the value between 0 and 100.
  • Loop'effect': If you enable this option, the effect you have selected will be played permanently.
  • Outro effect: Choose the last effect of the arrow. This option is available only if you do not select the Loop Effect.